Get Your Smile Back With Implant Supported Dentures


If you have several missing teeth in your mouth, you may have considered restoring your smile with dental implants. Dental implants are an innovative tooth replacement option because they are designed to simulate real teeth aesthetically and functionally, while also proving to be extremely durable.

How Implant Supported Dentures Work

In many cases, dentures are necessary in order to replace multiple teeth. If this situation may be similar to your own needs, we may suggest implant supported dentures instead of traditional dentures. These dentures, unlike traditional dentures, are directly supported and attached to dental implants.


There are two main types of denture supported implants: bar-retained dentures and ball-retained dentures. If you have bar-retained dentures placed in your mouth, a thin metal bar will be secured your jaw bone, with the denture securely clipped onto it with attachments. Comparatively, when ball-retained dentures are utilized, every implant in your jawbone contains a metal attachment, which adheres onto the dentures.

The Benefits of the All-on-4™ Technique

Following the decision to go forward with dental supported implants, we may use the all-on-4™ technique to place the actual implants within your mouth. When this procedure is performed, we will install four implants and a temporary denture in your mouth. Once the dental implants in Murfreesboro, TN, are fused to the bone, we are able to secure the permanent appliance. This procedure is beneficial because:



One of the most beneficial features of this procedure proves to be the revolutionary means designed to utilize existing bone within the mouth. If you would like to know more about implant supported dentures and inquire about whether the all-on-4™ technique is an ideal solution for you, please contact our office today. We can be reached at (615) 200-1199.