Eliminate Your Anxiety With Sedation Dentistry

Some people do not enjoy visiting the dentist, or have extreme dental anxiety, but the process can be made more relaxing and comfortable through the use of sedation. There are many different kinds of sedation dentistry, of varying degrees of effect. If you experience anxiety or intense fear because of previous visits to the dentist, ask Dr. Steven Daniel or Dr. Gaydos-Daniel about sedation dentistry in Murfreesboro, TN. The solution is never to put off visiting your dentist.

Who Can Use Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry has a reputation for putting a patient entirely to sleep while the procedure is taking place. In reality, this practice is relatively rare. Typically, a simpler sedation is employed to make the patient relax easier. For this reason, nearly any patient can take advantage of sedation when having dental work done. While it is possible to be completely unconscious during the procedure, the most extreme form of sedation usually just brings the patient to the edge of unconsciousness. Dr. Daniel and Dr. Gaydos-Daniel offer nitrous oxide and oral or intravenous moderate sedation. With several different options for sedation, including inhalation or IV sedation, you can likely enjoy some kind of sedation while at Dr. Daniel’s office regardless of your age or medical history.

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

Remember that your dentist is a medical professional. No unsafe procedure will ever be attempted. You remain awake during the sedation, so you maintain your defensive reflexes, such as coughing. Your blood pressure is always monitored and every precaution is always taken. In addition to sedation, you will still be numbed, so there is little chance of the sedative wearing off and you feeling pain. Sedation is typically safe even for children. If you have been putting dental work off due to anxiety, come in to our office to experience a relaxing dental visit. Call us at (615) 200-1199 to learn more about our sedation dentistry in Murfreesboro, TN.